Dice the rolling objects to the beat

Use left & right or A & D to use the two knives

After opening the main menu waiting a second or so is advised for it to be able to load its assets [otherwise they appear in game once they're loaded, which is a bit jarring]

In order to get it to work on Safari:
• Open the Websites tab in Preferences
• Select Auto-Play in the sidebar
• Next to "42triangles.itch.io", change the picker to "Allow All Auto-Play"
• Reload the page

The team:
Dansly (https://dansly.itch.io/) - art, testing
Serena Maar (https://grublady.itch.io/) - music, programming fixes
Kumiko (https://kumiko.live/) - testing, PR
Suk0m8u (https://suk0m8u.itch.io/) - testing, art fixes
gibberish (https://itch.io/profile/windowbreaker) - testing, art fixes
kkm - testing
42triangles (me) - programming, art fixes

The repository for the code is here: https://codeberg.org/42triangles/gmtk2022

Used third party assets:
https://freesound.org/people/Yin_Yang_Jake007/sounds/443467/ [edited]
https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Caveat?preview.text=0123456789%20Also%20this%2... [unchanged]


roll-and-dice-source.zip 21 MB


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I have no idea what I'm meant to do in the game - maybe put that in the description?

You are supposed to cut to the beat - the little bars that rotate with the thing you're supposed to cut have to line up with the knives, which you can activate with A & D / the left & right arrow keys respectively.

If you miss, you lose a life. If you've lost all lives you get a game over screen. Apart from that, the score per thing is 100 if you hit it perfectly and 0 you hit it perfectly.